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Ruidos FM Radio en vivo

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Ruidos FM is a radio station located in Santiago, Chile that caters to the musical preferences of its primarily young, alternative audience. Broadcasting live on the frequency 94.5, Ruidos FM offers a diverse range of programming, with a particular emphasis on alternative, indie and rock music. The station's programming also includes eclectic mix of shows featuring local bands, DJs, and a range of cultural content.

Ruidos FM's programming lineup includes several popular programs such as "La Vida es un Ruido," a show featuring music, interviews and live sessions, and "Ruidos de la Ciudad," which focuses on the local music scene in Santiago. The station also broadcasts live concerts, festivals and events.

Ruidos FM targets primarily the youth in Santiago and surrounding regions, as reflected in its programming choices and focus on new and upcoming artists. The station operates 24/7, with regular programming interspersed with live events, concerts and interviews. To stay updated on the station and its programming, listeners can visit the website at www.ruidosfm.cl.
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