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Radio Surcos Radio en vivo

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Radio Surcos is a local community radio station located in Cauquenes, Chile. The channel is primarily broadcasted for the residents of Cauquenes and the surrounding areas. Radio Surcos provides an eclectic mix of programming throughout the day, ranging from news and current affairs, to sports and entertainment. The schedule includes shows such as "Despierta Cauquenes," which airs in the morning and covers the latest news and happenings in the community. In the afternoon, listeners can tune in to "Entre Sueños," a program dedicated to playing the best in music from various genres. Additionally, Radio Surcos covers important events and culture celebrations, such as the annual Grape Harvest Festival in the Maule region. Overall, Radio Surcos is a valuable resource for information and entertainment for the people of Cauquenes and its surrounding communities.
Escuchar Radio Surcos en la <strong>app radio.net </strong>
Escuchar Radio Surcos en la app radio.net
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