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Radio Club 80 Señal Retro Radio en vivo

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Radio Club 80 Señal Retro is a popular radio channel based in Santiago, Chile, that broadcasts around the clock on the FM dial. The channel caters to a broad audience interested in retro music from Latin America, Europe, and North America, predominantly from the 80s and 90s eras. Known for its high-quality sound and a wide-ranging and carefully curated playlist, Radio Club 80 Señal Retro has a loyal following across Chile and other South American countries.

The radio station airs diverse programs every week, including live shows, interviews with artists, news bulletins, and exclusive performances, among others. Some of the most popular programs on the channel include “La Hora de la Nostalgia,” “Rock and Pop,” “Retrolandia,” and “Al Tiro con la Radio.” Listeners can tune in to Radio Club 80 Señal Retro on the radio or online via its website or mobile app.
Escuchar Radio Club 80 Señal Retro en la <strong>app radio.net </strong>
Escuchar Radio Club 80 Señal Retro en la app radio.net