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Radio Carnaval Patagonia Radio en vivo

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Radio Carnaval Patagonia is a Chilean radio channel that originates from Santiago, Chile. The station serves the regions of Patagonia and its neighboring areas. The station broadcasts a variety of programs throughout the day, providing its listeners with a great selection of music, news, and talk shows. The station's programming is designed to appeal to a diverse audience with varying interests, including news, sports, and cultural events.

Listeners tuning into the station can enjoy a range of shows that cater to their interests. The channel has a well-thought-out schedule, including popular programs such as "La Hora de la Mañana," "Viva La Tarde," and "Deportes al Aire." The station's website offers additional features such as podcasts and live streaming, ensuring that listeners can stay connected to their favorite programs 24/7. Overall, Radio Carnaval Patagonia is a must-listen radio channel for anyone looking for an informative and entertaining source of news and entertainment from the heart of Patagonia.
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Escuchar Radio Carnaval Patagonia en la app radio.net