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Radio AldeaPlus Radio en vivo

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Radio AldeaPlus is a community radio station based in Santiago, Chile. The channel caters to the needs of the Chilean local audience and covers various regions around Santiago. Broadcasting 24 hours a day, Radio AldeaPlus provides a diverse range of programs including news, sports, and music.

Listeners can tune in to hear popular programs like 'Hablemos de Deportes', a sports talk show, 'El Show de Luna', a music program featuring local artists, and 'Tardes de Radio', a program that discusses current affairs. Additionally, the channel provides listeners with daily news updates covering both local and global news.

Radio AldeaPlus aims to empower local communities and promote their culture through their programs. With an extensive lineup of engaging content, listeners can stay up to date with the latest news and be entertained with a variety of music genres.

Listeners can listen to Radio AldeaPlus on their website https://lasradiosdedonpipo.wixsite.com/radioaldeapluscl or via their frequency FM 96.5.
Escuchar Radio AldeaPlus en la <strong>app radio.net </strong>
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