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NEKKID Radio Radio en vivo

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NEKKID Radio is a radio channel based in Santiago, Chile, that offers listeners a diverse range of music genres, including but not limited to funk, soul, and hip hop. The channel aims to cater to a wide audience in Chile, with its music programming appealing to listeners of different age groups and backgrounds. NEKKID Radio has a schedule that runs 24 hours a day, seven days a week, ensuring that listeners have access to quality music round the clock. The channel's program is a mix of live DJ sets, pre-recorded shows, and music blocks, with each segment designed to offer the best listening experience. NEKKID Radio can be accessed through its website and is a popular choice among Chilean music lovers who seek a unique and entertaining radio experience.
Escuchar NEKKID Radio en la <strong>app radio.net </strong>
Escuchar NEKKID Radio en la app radio.net