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Estacion Latina Radio en vivo

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Estacion Latina is a radio station located in Arica, Chile, that broadcasts to various regions in Chile. It is an excellent source of entertainment and information for locals and visitors alike. The channel features popular music genres, such as reggaeton, tropical, and Latin pop, selected by experienced DJs who know how to fire up the party. Additionally, listeners can tune in to the latest news updates, cultural events, interviews with local artists, and sports news. The station's schedule includes a variety of programs and shows catered to different listener preferences. Some of the programs that stand out include "El Pulpo" with Jorge Federer, "El Chulo" with Wilfredo Vega, and "La Piquiñez" with Karen Piquimil. Through its website, listeners can access live streaming, contests, and general information about the station. Whether you're driving, studying or just chilling, Estacion Latina is the perfect station for some quality listening time.
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