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Radio Chicureo Radio en vivo

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Radio Chicureo is a radio station located in the Chicureo neighborhood of Santiago, Chile. Broadcasting at 99.7 FM, the channel caters to the communities of Chicureo and surrounding areas, offering news, sports, and entertainment programming. With a focus on local content, Radio Chicureo provides listeners with a unique perspective on current events and issues that affect their daily lives.

The station's schedule includes a morning show hosted by Juan Pablo Muñoz, which features news and analysis, interviews with local figures, and music. In the afternoons, listeners can tune in to "La otra tarde," a program that covers sports and cultural events in the Chicureo region. In addition, Radio Chicureo broadcasts live coverage of local soccer matches, as well as other sporting events.

Overall, Radio Chicureo is a valuable resource for the residents of Chicureo and surrounding areas, providing them with informative and entertaining programming that reflects the unique character of their communities.
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